An Act to alter a part of the lines between the counties of Gallatin and Pope, 1816


Be it enacted by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Illinois territory, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the line dividing the counties of Gallatin and Pope, as established by the act passed at the last session of the general assembly, entitled an act to erect a new county out of the counties of Gallatin and Johnson, be, and the same is hereby altered as fol- lows, to wit : Beginning at the Rock and Cave on the Ohio river, thence a straight line to the corner of townships number ten and eleven south, and of ranges number seven and eight, east of the third principal meridian; thence west along the line between townships number ten and eleven south twenty-four miles; and thence with the lines established by the said recited act, to the Ohio river, and up the same to the beginning ; and that all the tract of country included in the lines of Pope county hj this act, shall be attached to and form a part of Pope county. This act to be in' force from an after the passage thereof.

Geo. Fisher, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Pierre Menard, President of the Legislative Council.

Approved—December 26, 1816, Ninian Edwards.


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