Woollen, William Wesley, Daniel Wait Howe, and Jacob Platt Dann. Executive Journal of Indiana Territory, 1800-1816. Indianapolis: The Bowen-Merrill company, 1900.

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Proclamation erecting new county of Wayne, 1803

January 24th. 1803. "Whereas by an act of Congress passed on the 30th April 1802. Entitled an act to enable the people of the Eastern divisions of the Territory North West of the Ohio River, to form a Constitution and State Government, and that after the formation of said State, all that part of the north Western Territory which is not included within the Boundaries prescribed for said State, Shal be attached to and make a part of the Indiana Territory; it has Therefore become necessary for the convenience of the Citizens in the newly acquired Territory and for the due administration of Justice, that a new County should be laid off and Established, the Governor Issued a proclamation Establishing the boundaries as follows viz. beginning at a point where an East and west line passing through the Southerly Extreame of Lake Michigan would intersect a North and South line passing through the most westerly bend of the said Lake, and thence north along the last mentioned line to the Territorial Boundary of the United States thence along the said boundary line to a point where a due east and west line passing through the Southerly extreme of Lake Michigan would intersect the same thence west along the last mentioned line to the place of begining and that the said County should be designated and Known by the name of the County of Wayne

Proclamation altering boundary line between Randolph and St. Clair counties, 1803

March 25th. Sundrie petitions having been presented to the Governor, from a number of the Citizens of the County of Randolph, Complaining of the great distance from the seat of Justice of their County, and praying that the line dividing the Counties of Randolph and St. Clair may be so altered as to anex them to the latter, the Governor Issued a proclamation, declaring the line separating the Counties of Randolph and St. Clair shall begin on the Mississippi River four miles and thirty two Chains south of the point, where the present division line intersects the Mississippi Bottom, thence by a direct line to the Sink hole Springs, thence by a line north sixty degrees East until it intersects a north line running from the great Cave on the Ohio River, and the alterations and boundaries so established shall take place from and after the first day of may next.

Proclamation Altering Boundary Lines of Knox, Randolph, and St. Clair Counties, 1801

The Governor Issued a proclamation altering the boundary lines of the Counties of Knox & Randolph and St. Clair as follows, to wit, the boundary of the County of Randolph shall begin on the Ohio River at a Place called the Great Cave, below the Saline Lick, thence by a direct north line until it intersects an East and West line running from the Mississippy through the Sink hole spring, thence along the said line to the Mississippy thence down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Ohio and up the Ohio to the place of beginning.

Proclamation erecting new county of Dearborne, 1803

March 7th. A proclamation was Issued by the Governor for erecting a new County, by the name of the County Dearborne in this Territory Bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at the mouth of the great Miami thence north along the line seperating the Indiana Territory from the State of Ohio, to the Intersection thereof with the Indian Boundary line riming from a point opposite the mouth of the River Kentucky thence along the last mentioned line to the Ohio river and up the said River to the place of begining, and ordering that until a permanent seat of Justice should be fixed on the Courts of Common pleas, of the General Quarter Sessions of the peace and orphans Court should be held at the Town of Lawrenceburgh.

Creation of Clark County, 1801

The Governor Issued a proclamation deviding the County of Knox and Erecting a seperate County to be stiled the County of Clark the boundarys of which are as follows, beginning at the Ohio river at the mouth of Blew River, thence up the said River to the Crossing of the same by the Road leading from Saint Vincennes to Clarksville, thence by a direct line to the nearest part of White River thence up the said River and that branch thereof


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