An Act supplemental to an act entitled, an act for taking the census of the inhabitants of this territory, 1818


WHEREAS, it is doubtful whether the prayer of this general assembly to congress, requesting that the citizens of this territory may be permitted to form a state government will be granted, before a census of the inhabitants of this territory shall be taken, and exhibited to that honorable body : And whereas, a great increase of population may be expected between the first day of next June and December following : Therefore,

Be it enacted by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Illinois territory, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the commissioners to be appointed to take the census of the inhabitants of their respective counties according to the law to which this is a supplement, shall continue to take the census of all persons who may remove into their respective counties between the first day of June and the first day of December next, succeeding; of which additional returns shall be made to the secretary's office, within the first week in December next, and for which additional service, compensation shall be made at the next session of the general assembly : Provided, however, that no such additional service shall be performed if congress should authorise the citizens of this territory to form a state government without it; and notice thereof be given by the governor of the territory, in the newspaper printed at the seat of government, by the public printers ; which notice it shall be the duty of the governor to give if the fact should exist.

This act to take effect from and after its passage.

George Fisher,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Pierre Menard,

President of the Legislative Council.

Approved January 10, 1818,

Ninian Edwards

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